Training of Facilitators (ToF) on In Business Soft Skills Training for IBCWE Member Companies 27-29 November 2019
December 24, 2023
Women Take Over : Leading In A Day Event
December 24, 2023Empowering women in the field of business and economics, contributing to the enhancement of female labor force participation. It is also a major contributor to the country’s economic growth.
Unfortunately, in Indonesia awareness of the empowerment of women in the world of business and economy is still low. Although the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) Wep’s have developed the women’S Empowerment Principles (WEPs), as a business guide to empower women in the workplace, the market, and the community, by the year 2010.
August 2018 ago, IBCWE, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) and UN Women launched a study on the implementation of Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in the top 50 companies in Indonesia. The results showed that in general, companies in Indonesia have implemented a number of women empowerment programs, but are still limited to government regulations, as well as head office regulations for multinational companies.
Seeing the importance of women’s role in this matter, IBCWE collaborated with UN Women & IGCN, organizing the events “Empowering Women in the Workplace, Marketplace, and Community ” Workshop and Dialogue on women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), On 26 November 2019 then, at PPM Management building, Jakarta. Workshops attended by a number of academics, NGOs, and member companies of IBCWE, UNWOMEN and IGCN aim to raise awareness and encourage the Company’s commitment to implement WEPs in business practices.
The Workshop was attended by speakers from various corporations such as Jeffrey Yuwono, Chief Executive Officer Sorabel, Cicilia Nina Triana Wuryani, Chief Agency Officer, PT AXA Financial Indonesia, Lidia Ahmad, Engineering Manager, BP Global Operations Organization (GOO) Asia Pacific Region and Tangguh GOO Representative, BP Upstream Women in GOO. The existence of ‘ Women Empowerment Principles Working Group ‘ (WEP WG), is hoped to make the implementation of WEPs on business practices of the company running consistently so that gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace, market and Comunity can be achieved optimally.
Writer : Joan Natasya Lambe