Proud To Be a Household Father
December 24, 2023
WEPWG (Womens Empowerment Principles Working Group)
December 24, 2023Due to the high demand for Training of Facilitators (ToF) for the training of Soft Skills Business from the IBCWE member company, ToF was again held by IBCWE on 27 to 29 November 2019 then, at Hotel Permata Bogor.
Representatives of the company who participated in ToF first, re-followed this second ToF. The 9 member companies of IBCWE who are the participants of this training are PT. Adis Dimension, Accenture Indonesia, Jones Lang LaSalle Indonesia, PT. Pan Brothers Tbk, PT. Tira Austenite, PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, PT. Mitra Adi Perkasa Tbk, Danone, and PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk. Each company is represented by two or three facilitators and coordinators, who have the main task of coordinating the implementation of training within their company and acting as liaison between the company, IBCWE and International The Labour Organization (ILO) to implement the content of training materials in their respective companies.
In this second ToF, IBCWE as an implementing partner of the ILO implemented a manpower readiness and development program provided by the ILO that has been implemented in three ASEAN countries namely Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The second ToF is emphasizing Soft Skills Business training with material content such as Team Work, Communicator Skills, Leadership, group dynamics and several other modules that will be used by the facilitators from each IBCWE member company to discussed in each Group Forum Discussion (FGD) company.
Through this training, the participating companies, benefit by obtaining innovative soft skills training, to the networking that can be used to support the development, growth, and improvement of the company. Due to the supply of workers ‘ skills, it is expected to improve work productivity and company turnover.
Writer : Joan Natasya Lambe