Danone Indonesia’s Policy in Supporting Equal Parenting
December 24, 2023
The Implementation of Gender Equality is a Moral Obligation that Sintesa Group Believes Can Contribute to the Success of the Organization
December 24, 2023L’Oréal Indonesia’s mission as the number 1 cosmetics company in the world does not stop at just creating beauty that moves the world, but more than that, L’Oréal Indonesia is committed to operate in a responsible and sustainable way and create an equal workplace for all employees.
All employees who are part of L’Oréal Indonesia, both women and men, are given equal opportunities to develop their full potential. In L’Oréal Indonesia, women represent 43 percent of the total workforce of the company, consisting of 47 percent at the managerial level and 54 percent are members of the Management Committee. Additionally, 1.3 percent of L’Oréal Indonesia’s talents are employees with disabilities.
“We believe that a strong company is created when people from every culture, background and lifestyle can be accepted and valued. We create products for people from all layers of society around the world. To ensure that our products meet the needs of every form of beauty in every culture, our team members must be as diverse and inclusive as the world itself. To achieve that goal, we develop a workplace where everyone of every ethnicity, social background, religion, gender, age or disability feels welcomed and valued,” said Melanie Masriel, Communications, Sustainability, and Public Affairs Director L’Oréal. Indonesia.
Some of the main policies and procedures that L’Oréal Indonesia has aim to create a culture that upholds gender equality, including:
Gender neutral and equitable recruitment policy
Annual remuneration review, which actively monitors gender pay gaps
Ensure clear lines of promotion are available to all employees.
To improve gender equality policies, L’Oréal Indonesia also collaborates with external organizations, such as the Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE) to further assess L’Oréal Indonesia’s policies, practices and culture. Based on the results of the Gender Equality Assessment, Results, and Strategies (GEARS) Tools facilitated by IBCWE, L’Oréal Indonesia managed to receive the highest scores in the following areas:
Gender equality training in the workplace
Talent management and succession planning by means of gender balanced career development and leadership programs
Recruitment, Selection & Promotion that applies non-discrimination and equal opportunities
Mainstreaming flexible work to performance and support to employees by providing and easy access to technology
Gender composition in the workforce in the form of gender equality at all levels as an objective of corporate strategic planning
In fact, during the COVID-19 pandemic, L’Oréal Indonesia also has various policies that specifically designed to help employees, especially working parents, to get a work-life balance, one of which is through a flexible working arrangement, where each L’Oréalian has the freedom to choose working hours, as long as they meet the total daily working hours of 8 hours. Apart from that, L’Oréal also provides pregnant employees with special opportunities to work from home during this pandemic.
“As a new mother, I am grateful that L’Oréal is very caring and supportive when I had to restore the balance between my personal and professional life,” said Magdalena Rospita, External Communications Manager at L’Oréal Indonesia.
Magdalena added, from the time of pregnancy to childbirth, L’Oréal’s policy really ensures that her physical and mental health are taken care of. Starting from providing maternity leave for 16 weeks or 4 weeks longer than the standard maternity leave in Indonesia, providing parenting training during the pandemic, providing free consultation services with professional psychologists (Employee Assistance Program); all of which are easily accessible.
It did not stop there, Magda admitted that she could go on maternity leave without worrying about her career development at L’Oreal. “At L’Oreal, maternity leave is seen as a brief interlude and not a major career distraction. Before maternity leave began, my supervisor and I had made an open discussion about the handover process at the beginning and end of the leave period, communication preferences during the leave period and the transition process to return to work fully,” said Magda.
As a global company, L’Oréal believes that gender equality in the workplace can be achieved starting from a comfortable working environment for all employees. Under the umbrella of the Share and Care program, L’Oréal aims to provide a global standard of social benefits, while encouraging countries to make their own social innovations.
To find out more information about the daily lives of L’Oreal Indonesia employees, please visit the official website https://www.loreal.com/en/indonesia/