IBCWE, IGCN dan UN Women meluncurkan WEPs
December 24, 2023
Fun Talk: I Believe You Can
December 24, 2023Five companies in Indonesia became the first company in Indonesia to obtain EDGE certification. The five companies are PT Tira Austenite Tbk, PT Pan Brothers Tbk, PT Adis Dimension Footwear, PT Accenture Indonesia and PT Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL) Indonesia. EDGE certification was submitted directly by the Deputy Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Allaster Cox and IBCWE President, Shinta Kamdani.
EDGE (Economic Dividens for Gender Equality) certification is a leading global assessment methodology and business certification standards for gender equality. EDGE certification is designed to help companies not only create optimal workplaces for women and men, but also provide optimal benefits for company performance. This EDGE certification is the first time in Indonesia. To date, EDGE has provided certification to approximately 200 companies in 48 countries and 23 industries.
The Acting Deputy for Coordination for the Protection of Women and Children of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Ghafur Dharmaputra hopes that this EDGE certification can be followed by other Indonesian companies. “EDGE certification is a leap that makes the opportunity for Indonesian women to advance. I hope, these five companies and IBCWE become inspiration for other companies.”
The President of the Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE), Shinta W. Kamdani, admitted that the issue of gender equality had become a global issue and became one of the national priority issues. In the 2017 World Economic Forum, it was stated that gender equality in Indonesia was ranked 84th out of 144 countries in the world.
“The state is not the only party that is obliged to prioritize the issue of gender equality, but also must be carried out by the company. Gender equality is not only good to do, but many studies have proven that by creating gender-friendly opportunities and environments, employees will become more productive and companies will grow bigger, “said Shinta.
In addition to the handover of certificates, discussions were also held with moderator Nina Melinda and panelists are, the Head of the Secretariat of the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), Darwanto; Chairperson of Labor & Social Security, Indonesian Employers’ Association (APINDO), Harijanto; and Head of Doctoral Study Program Psychology Faculty University of Indonesia’s, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari.