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Check out how the female leaders at FWD Insurance support each other in giving positive influence to build an organizational culture that values diversity and inclusion. They are Maria Magdalena, Chief Governance Officer and Compliance Director of FWD Insurance; Desy Natalia Widjaya, Director and Chief Financial Officer of FWD Insurance; and Rosidar Suhaid, Chief Bancassurance Officer of FWD Insurance.
Manage your time well
Each individual has many roles in his life, such as self, worker, wife/husband, mother/father, and other roles. The changes that occurred during the pandemic presented their own challenges for mothers due to the multi-layered role they played.
“As a mother, I think the biggest challenge is how to divide my time between family and work and be able to adapt quickly to any changes. During a pandemic, the boundaries between work and personal life are often lost. We have to be smart,” said Maria Magdalena, Chief Governance Officer and Compliance Director of FWD Insurance.
Uphold diversity
As a leader, it is important to be committed to upholding cultural diversity and gender inclusivity. In addition, leaders need to ensure that the organization also supports this.
This will create an organizational culture that strengthens each other and respects each other’s uniqueness, as in the FWD Insurance work environment.
“We create a diverse and inclusive culture, where everyone can be appreciated for their uniqueness and give their best. We believe that inclusivity and diversity will help us understand our customers better because they also have various needs in terms of protection,” said Desy Natalia. Widjaya, FWD Insurance Chief Financial Officer.
Empower other women
As a leader, it is important to empower his workers, especially women workers. This can be done by providing women workers with opportunities and access to participate in various training, promotion programs, and take advantage of company policies.
“I believe that every woman can be successful, whatever they aspire to be, able to successfully carry out their various important roles in life, be it a wife, mother, employee, entrepreneur, and other roles. Therefore, it is critical to have an environment that supports women’s aspirations and aspirations. At FWD Insurance, we pay more attention to preparing women to become stronger figures and get out of the stereotypes that have grown for so long in society, including women’s development and empowerment programs, as well as financial literacy programs,” said Rosidar Suhaid, Chief Bancassurance at FWD Insurance Officer.
As an organization, FWD Insurance has various programs that contain the mission of empowering women through leadership values, financial literacy, and other values with major aims to prepare women to become stronger figures and break out of the stereotypes that have grown for so long in society. Some of them are:
Leaders from Within
Various programs cover the development of technical and non-technical competencies according to the needs of employees. Provision of Leaders to always provide feedback through meaningful conversations with team members in order to achieve optimal performance.
The program, which is run continuously for nine months, is designed for various levels, consisting of workshop activities, community conversations, group mentoring, and collaboration with the community. This program aims to support female employees in developing into the best version of themselves.
Through the messages above, it is hoped that it can inspire Indonesian women to dare to take leadership positions and empower other women. Because at this time, the representation of women in leadership is still small. Based on the Women in Executive Leadership Team in IDX200 census conducted by the Indonesia Stock Exchange from December 2021 to March 2022, only 15 percent of the executive team was held by women.
Reference: www.liputan6.com
17 June 2022
Tiara Tri Hapsari