Labor Participation Rate in Indonesia, Is Still Dominated by male
December 24, 2023
Gender Norms Influence the Number of Domestic Violence
December 24, 2023Sexual harassment is a problem that often occurs in the everyday life of man. This act of crime has been the concern of many Parties, ranging from the community to the legal authorities, but the various cases of sexual harassment, especially against women, continue to increase. The annual note (CATAHU) The National Commission on Anti-Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) noted, the number of cases of sexual violence against women in Indonesia, reported in 2019 reached 406,178 cases, this amount increased 14% compared to the previous year of 348,466 cases.
Not only in Indonesia cases of sexual harassment are also common in various parts of the world. Therefore, the international world simultaneously voiced the movement to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children around the world, through the 16 Days Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign.
16 Days Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is an annual international campaign that began on November 25 to December 10. The campaign is an international Day that began in 1991, by activists of the women’s Global Leadership Institute and continues to be coordinated annually by the Center for women’s Global Leadership. In 2019, the 16 Days Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign carried The theme, “Orange The World.”
To support this movement, IBCWE together with PT. Transportation Jakarta (Transjakarta), PT. BlueBird Tbk, Never Okay Project and rooted communication, close up the line to declare this campaign, with the theme of sexual harassment in the work environment.
The Never Okay Project Survey of 2018 years ago to 14 companies in Jakarta, gave a lot of new findings on sexual harassment that took place in the work environment. Even among the executive are not many who dare to talk when experiencing a case of sexual harassment in a working environment. Another interesting fact raised in this campaign was that sexual harassment in the work environment turned out not only to women’s employees, 40% of male employees were also subjected to physical sexual harassment.
The results of the survey conducted Never Okay Project, which is the content of campaign material in the form of 16 sexual harassment signs or #16rambuperempuan, which simultaneously disseminated IBCWE, PT. Transportation Jakarta (Transjakarta) and PT. BlueBird TBK, through social media accounts and also the installation of posters in 4 women’s pink bus, belong to Transjakarta consistently for 16 days. The Campaign is aimed at the external public with the objectives especially the workers in the Jakarta work environment.
Through this campaign, it is hoped that the public can be more sensitive to distinguish any actions that include sexual harassment, how to deal with it, to dare to speak up and act firmly when experiencing cases of sexual harassment, not just in a working environment, but also in the public sphere even in a private environment.